Learn more about mission of the Department of Evangelization & Catechesis here.
Attendance Requirements
Attendance requirements will be monitored especially during the 2 years preceding reception of a Sacrament (typically 1st & 2nd grades for First Communion, 7th & 8th grades for Confirmation) as two years of comprehensive catechesis is a Diocesan requirement for Sacrament preparation. For First Communion, this is in addition to the Sacrament Preparation program that runs concurrently with catechesis in your child's second year.
Your child must attend at least 80% of the sessions throughout the year (whether family catechesis or regular weekly classes). If your family misses more than 20% of the sessions, make-up work should be submitted using any of the directions provided by the Department of Evangelization & Catechesis.
A first notice to families with excessive absences will be sent out in the Fall. There will also be a notice midway through the Spring.
Make-up work options will be presented, to be completed by an assigned date.
If a child has already exceeded 6+ absences, the expectation is that there will be no absences moving forward with the exception of illness or injury.
Make-up work, while suitable in the event of extenuating circumstances, is not ideal and is in no way a replacement for the community building and formation that take place when we gather in-person.
Excused absences include: illness, death in the family. Any other absences must be approved by the Director of Catechesis.
Note: Sports and any other extracurriculars are not considered excused absences.
We will accept any needed make-up work through the end of our fiscal year, June 30th annually.
Attend in-person monthly parent meetings on the 1st Wednesday of every month (children will have peer catechesis during your meeting)
Attend in-person monthly community meetings the 3rd Wednesday of every month, 4:45-5:45pm in Elmer Great Room; if unable to attend, there will be a make-up requirement.
Complete the 2 lessons in your A Family of Faith study set each month as laid out; learning objectives for each month are clearly outlined in the materials provided.
All 3 of these must be done in-full for your child's curriculum to be considered complete for the year.