We coordinate beautiful luncheon receptions after funeral masses, to be a loving, compassionate presence to grieving families and friends. Contact: Patsy Eckelcamp
We offer complimentary child care for children ages 6 mos. - 3 yrs. during the 9am and 11am Sunday masses (opens 15 minutes prior). The parish nursery is located in the southwest corner of the Family Center. Child care is also available for young children of faith formation volunteers. The parish nursery is staffed by responsible volunteers who have attended CPR/first aid training and have met the diocesan Ethics in Ministry requirements. Contact: Amy Allert.
Spiritual directors and mentors help guide others in listening and responding to the Holy Spirit's presence in their lives. See our list of directors and learn more here: FAQ on Spiritual Direction.
Got 1-2 hours, a few times per year? SEVs are called upon occasionally to assist with set up/serving/cleanup for events like Ministry Fair, Advent Party, clergy receptions, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. Contact: Parish Office.