Our catechetical programs run from September to May. All materials are provided by the Director.
Fill out the form below and Christine Chow will contact you!
CATECHISTS commit to share their faith with children throughout the year in small group settings, with guidance and support from our Director of Catechesis. Catechesis sessions are held weekly Sunday mornings 10:25-11:30am, or every other Wednesday 4:30-5:45pm (Family of Faith program). Two adult catechists lead a group together.
GUIDES & AIDES for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd convey the good news of Jesus Christ through a Montessori-style method. Sessions are either 2x/month on Sunday mornings or weekly on Tuesday afternoons.
SUBSTITUTES or GUEST CATECHISTS are called upon to teach a session occasionally, when we have regular volunteers out or there is a special subject to be instructed.
FAITH FRIENDS attend the weekly Sunday Catechesis sessions with a child who needs extra help paying attention in class or absorbing the material. This role is a great one for high school youth.
LITURGY OF THE WORD WITH CHILDREN (during the 9:00am Sunday mass) has several open positions. Each Sunday of the month is comprised of a team. All roles are participating fully in the mass by assisting with this liturgy. The team is a Prayer Leader, and Assistant and/or a Lector, and a Shepherd. We relate the Gospel to the children at their level, and lead the children through the Creed & Prayers of the Faithful.