The primary need on our Confirmation Team is that of small group leaders. Small group leaders are walking this journey of Confirmation preparation from beginning to end, including the Kerygmatic retreat, the super sessions (either Sundays or Wednesdays), the St. Paul Street Evangelization Workshop (attending one of the two) and supporting the Work of Mercy small group service project.
It is a significant commitment but of vital importance. Candidates for whom a parent or sponsor volunteers as a small group leader will have the registration fee waived (but not the retreat fee).
In addition, we are working to build a Confirmation Core Team that will lead and shape our preparation process here at St. Theresa.
Other volunteer roles also contribute to this process, such as additional chaperones for our retreat. Some Confirmation candidates have difficulty in finding an eligible sponsor, and we would like to be able to match them with willing parishioners.
If you are interested in any of these roles, please fill out the form below. Thank you for answering the calling to serving our Confirmation candidates!