Share your time and talent to assist with worship at St. Theresa!
Liturgical Ministers can access schedules at
Ministers of Hospitality welcome the community and communicate that their presence is vital to our worship so that all will experience the hospitality of Jesus Christ. Ministers help meet the needs of visitors and connect them to parish resources, assist with the offering, and guide the congregation during the communion procession.
The Altar Server Ministry is open to practicing Catholic youth (4th–12th grade) who have received their First Communion. Servers assist the clergy in the sanctuary during Mass and in the Sacristy before and after. The program offers prayerful formation and a unique experience of worship that they’re able to appreciate even when they’re not serving. Servers also practice teamwork and leadership in organizing themselves before each Mass and serving as the primary formators at the regular trainings.
The Lector is entrusted with the crucial task of making the Word come alive by proclaiming it for the Christian assembly. A well-prepared lector can touch and move the whole assembly, serving as an instrument of God’s grace.
Altar Care Ministers help prepare the church for Mass each week. The main tasks include filling the candles with paraffin oil, some brass and metal polishing, straightening of the worship books and ensuring that the altar is dressed in the appropriate cloth and the priest's vestments are laid out.
Altar Linen Ministers wash and iron cloths used during mass and occasionally altar server robes and albs for all who celebrate Mass in our church.
Sharing their time and talent, members of St. Theresa Sewing Ministry have enjoyed sewing and embroidering numerous projects supporting the parish liturgy as well as serving the needs of those in our civic community. Accomplishments include vestments for the priests and deacons, altar cloths and other articles needed for liturgical services, prayer blankets for those in need and Baptismal bibs for the newly baptized.
The Prayer Blanket Ministry is an important part of the Sewing Ministry. Volunteers sew and pray over blankets that are then blessed and given to people who are ill or need support.
Contact: Marisa Krug
The Worship Environment and Flower Ministry is made up of talented and devoted volunteers who create the floral arrangements for the church, including creating a beautiful environment for feast days and special seasons. Classes are offered in flower arranging and volunteers also may participate in a one-time commitment during Christmas, Easter, all Soul's Day and other feast days.
Contact Paula Campbell.
To donate flowers on the altar as a gift in honor of a loved one, please contact the parish office.
Ministers of Care distribute communion to homebound parishioners, those in the hospital, and those in nursing homes. If interested in volunteering for this ministry, please contact J.D. McQueen. Completion of the Ethics and Integrity course is required before a candidate can serve as a minister.
I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands. - Isaiah 49:16.