“Mercy is the very foundation of the Church’s life”
– Pope Francis
Join a group of wonderful people like you, working together to serve our neighbors in need.
See the people you help face to face. Make a direct impact on their lives.
"Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me."
- Matthew 25:40
Teams of two meet with neighbors in their homes, learn their needs, pray with them and help them develop plans for improving their situation. SVDP provides aid for food, diapers, rent and utilities and info about getting help through other non-profit agencies. There is a team that provides healthy foods to the St. Louis Food Pantry, and another team that assists the homeless. Contact Dean Appling for more information and, or, if you would like to join the St. Theresa team.
Donate to SVDPVolunteer Info
If you need assistance from SVDP for rent, utilities, and other expenses call 211 to be directed to the St. Vincent de Paul serving you area. See our FAQ page for additional information.
Three different groups of volunteers make this happen:
1) Shoppers who with church funds obtain supplies in the early part of the week from one of multiple local grocers,
2) Weekday Cooks who make about 100 tacos on Wednesday or Thursday in their homes or at the Family Center, and
3) Friday Morning Cooks who make an additional 100 tacos in the Family Center early Friday morning.
If you are interested in any of the activities, please contact Teresa Duncan or David Joseph for details.
This ministry performs seasonal and Sunday food collections for the hungry in Austin. Parishioners bring non-perishable food items to the Narthex, and our driver team delivers the collected food to our neighbors at the St. Louis Food Pantry.
☑️Corn ☑️Beans☑️ Green Beans ☑️Peas ☑️Mixed Vegetables ☑️Fruit ☑️Peanut butter & Jelly ☑️ Mac. & Cheese ☑️Tuna ☑️Chicken ☑️Oats ☑️ Rice ☑️ Beans ☑️ Pasta ☑️ Diapers-Newborn to size 4 ☑️ Baby clothes Newborn to 12 mo. sizes ☑️Women’s Hygiene Items & Menstrual Supplies ☑️Travel size shampoo & conditioner ☑️Body Lotion ☑️ Body Wash – Men and Women☑️Deodorant – Men and WomenWe help Catholics in assisted living/nursing facilities stay connected to their faith. We currently offer Communion Services at Brookdale Northwest Hills, Longhorn Village, and Juniper Village at Spicewood Summit. Our Rosary Team Ministry prays the Rosary with residents of Brookdale Northwest Hills on Tuesdays at 1:00PM. To volunteer, please call the office or contact megmkee@gmail.com or barbaraheyl@gmail.com.
"Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception." -CCC 2270. We participate in the Texas Alliance for Life and Walk for Life programs, and pray outside abortion clinics especially during the 40 Days for Life. The Respect Life Program is a year-round effort by the US Bishops to help Catholics understand, value, and engage building a culture that cherishes life: www.respectlife.org. Contact: Jim O'Leary.
"Teach us to discover the worth of each thing, to be filled with awe and contemplation, to recognize that we are profoundly united with every creature as we journey towards your infinite light." - (Laudato Si’, 246).
Our Creation Care ministry seeks to be an educational resource and offer hands-on opportunities in composting, gardening, recycling, and more. Contact: Selma D’Mello.
We often take in collections for various charitable causes, especially around the seasons of Advent and Christmas. Please contact the parish office if you would like to help!
Catholic Charities of Central Texas
Allison Cavazos, Director of Social Services
Foundations Communities of Austin
Donna Williams, Community Outreach Manager
Austin Clubhouse: Working for Wellness