Most Common Parent Links:
Tax questions: Tax Statements in FACTS
RENWEB Online Parent School Portal - Grades and more!
Renweb is our school portal for all the grades, schedule and directory info you need:
login at:
Our District Code is STCS-TX
Your User Name (should be the same as when you completed your enrollment packet)
PASSWORD - same as enrollment packet - you can use the FORGOT USER NAME/PASSWORD link for Renweb/FACTS to send you a new one.
The default is Parent (see white button) and all you have to do once the required fields are completed is LOGIN button.
"Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children." - Proverbs 17:6
Our grandparents and special friends are vitally impactful to modern family life. They help pass on the human and religious heritage which is so essential for every member of a faith community.
Church Opens at 8am, Mass begins at 8:40am
Coffee Reception at 9:40am
Classroom Visits at 10:40am
Day Concludes at 11:40am (grandparents may check students out from their classrooms for lunch)
Grandparents and "Grand" friends of our students are invited for Mass, a coffee reception, and a classroom tour on November 22.