Learn more about mission of the Department of Evangelization & Catechesis here.
The Sunday nursery, located in the Family Center, cares for children ages 6 mos. - 3 yrs. during the 9:00 am and 11:30 am Sunday Masses. The nursery is also available for young children of religious education volunteers, those attending adult faith formation on Sunday and special parish events. The nursery opens for drop off 15 minutes prior to each mass, or special event.
The nursery is staffed by responsible high school youth and adults who have attended CPR/ First aid training and have met Diocesan Ethics in Ministry requirements.*
For more information or questions please contact Amy Allert in the parish office.
*Required training for all volunteers, paid staff, or clergy:"Protecting God's Children"
A workshop on child sexual abuse prevention, is required by the diocese for anyone who works with minors or vulnerable adults. For more information about attending this workshop please call the church office at 512-451-5121 or visit our Ethics Training page.